Up early, working with clients. Writing client programs during slow mid-day hours. Managing the chaos known as ‘after school’ with all of your coaching groups and (more) private training clients. Can you relate to that? Many get into Performance Coaching because of their own love for athletic development and helping other athletes achieve their goals. …
Meal Timing for Athletes
Bill Parisi is joined by Dr. Derrick Heydinger to discuss meal timing for athletes.
Writing the Perfect Athlete Program
As I write this, the Coaches in our 12-week Sports Performance Mentorship are completing the week of strength training. Undoubtedly, this will bring on the common question of… “How do you incorporate speed development AND strength development?” Well, let me tell you the two ways we do it. The first, and most optimal way, is …
The Law of Repeated Exposure
When Bill Parisi jumped in his $500 van 30 years ago, I don’t think he knew that the company he started would grow to educate not only athletes, but Sports Performance Coaches as well. The backbone of the Parisi Speed School has always been to make athletes high performers in their sport – to improve …
Pre & Post Workout Nutrition
Bill Parisi is joined by Dr. Derrick Heydinger to discuss pre and post workout nutrition for athletes.
My Biggest Mistake as a Sports Performance Coach
I love coaching people. I love the impact our words have on the outcome of an individual’s movement. I love the environment we help foster to create savage human beings. If you are reading this blog, my guess is you feel the same. So 3 years ago, I realized I was making a vital mistake …
The Non-Negotiables of Linear Speed Part 2: Maximum Speed
In Parisi land, we refer to maximum speed as the athlete’s ability to maintain maximum force production by way of optimal stride length and optimal stride frequency. I think it’s important we start this week by diving into the non-negotiables of what has to happen in an athlete’s maximum speed phase in order to, well, …
The Non-Negotiables of Linear Speed Part 2: Maximum SpeedRead More
Training Fascia-Driven Athletes
Bill Parisi explains the difference between fascia-driven and muscle-driven athletes and how to properly train each for optimal performance.
The Non-Negotiables of Linear Speed Part 1: Acceleration
Hey Coach, welcome back to another Parisi blog series. This round we are going to be talking about the non-negotiables of linear speed. We’re going to kick things off talking about acceleration, and how we can get our athletes achieving high rates of speed. Now, if you have checked our sports performance mentorship’s ‘trial week’, …
The Non-Negotiables of Linear Speed Part 1: AccelerationRead More
Hip Mobility & Power Transfer
Bill Parisi shares the importance of hip mobility for power transfer.
Not Your Average Coach’s Warm Up – Part 3
Hey Coach, welcome back, glad you’ve made it to part three! If you haven’t, make sure to go back and check out part one and part two…they are super important for laying down some context on what you are about to read… Now, here is the secret sauce to the ADW. So listen closely. A …
Stiffness & Mobility for Sports Performance
Bill Parisi shares the importance of the balance between stiffness and mobility for sports performance.