Sports present a variety of opportunities for us to talk with our kids. During these moments, the parent and the athlete are more than likely discussing what shouldn’t be done in a certain situation or what shouldn’t be done overall. Do you see a common theme in both of these circumstances? A better strategy is to take a step back. Sometimes both the athlete and the parent need to know when to keep quiet altogether. Dr. Rob Bell, a sports psychologist and author of “The Hinge,” delves into this topic in the video above and how we should handle ourselves when confronted with these scenarios.
What sticks with athletes are the negative outcomes that can come from a situation. Especially when we address them specifically during these talks. Dr. Bell takes us through specific examples, with one of the most famous being Bill Buckner of the Boston Red Sox and the big error he made in the 1986 World Series. In order to master the game between the lines, we have to master the mental game between our ears. This tip from Dr. Bell is just another example of how we can work on our mental toughness and take our game to the next level.