If you want to improve your speed and quickness, you must realize the best drills in the world won’t work well if you are not properly warmed up. One of the biggest components to the Parisi methodology is teaching our athletes how to warm-up effectively. In this month’s training video, we have a great tip that you can add to your routine to help prepare for lateral movement training.
To improve lateral movement you have to prepare and warm-up your muscles specifically for this motion. With help from my son Will, we are going to teach you the “Side Lunge.” The Side Lunge is basically a squat performed to one side. You want to follow the same principles as when performing a squat…a neutral spine, knees over the toes and making sure you fire the glutes.
To start, stand straight and upright. While keeping your left foot planted flat and firmly into the ground, take a big step to the right with your right leg. Next, you are going to push your butt back and squat down, keeping your back flat and arms out in front. It is important to note that you want to keep your right knee in line with your right toe when performing this movement. Your left foot stays flat on the ground and left leg should be straight. This will provide a good stretch to the left groin. Push up off the right leg forcefully and stand back up into the starting position. Repeat this motion 6-8 times with the right leg and then to the left side on the left leg. It’s not as easy as it looks, but it is effective.