Parisi Program Director, Kyle Harper, shares his advice how to succeed as a Performance Coach, and why the Parisi Network has been so beneficial for him.
What is Your Mission?
Parisi Speed School has been developing training techniques to improve speed and agility in young athletes for 25+ years. Find out how Parisi Speed School can take your sports performance training business to the next level on our FREE OWNERSHIP WEBINAR.
The Secret to Speed
Casey Lee and Sully Parker discuss the non-negotiable things that have to happen for an athlete to get faster.
Finding the Right Physical Therapist
Dr. Matt Shohen from Atlantic Health System joins Bill Parisi to discuss finding the right physical therapist.
Keeping Young Athletes Engaged
Parisi Owner, Ben Jones, shares his advice on how to keep very young athletes engaged and excited about training, while staying true to effective training techniques.
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Parisi Program Director, Candace Seaton, shares her advice for coaches – stop comparing yourself to others!
The Importance of Sleep for Recovery and Performance
This is a clip from the NEW Parisi Podcast, hosted by Master Coach Steve Leo. He is joined by Casey Lee, Parisi Program Director at The Edge in Williston, Vermont. For the full episode, sign up here.
The Importance of Sleep for Recovery and PerformanceRead More
Strong Network + Powerful Resources = Business Success
Is it time to branch out on your own? Take our FREE OWNERSHIP QUIZ to help you understand what kind of business owner you might be and whether or not you’re ready to take the next step toward entrepreneurship.
Strong Network + Powerful Resources = Business SuccessRead More
Supporting Athletes On and Off the Field
Avory Cole, Parisi Performance Coach at Sinking Spring YMCA, shares his story of coaching with Parisi since he was 19 years old, and the biggest lessons he has learned in nearly 10 years.
New Training Methods vs. The Basics
Parisi Performance Coach, Adam Bossard of Parisi Fair Lawn, share shares his insight on why traditional training methods sometimes get overlooked for “the next best thing”… and why coaches need to stop doing this!
Linear Speed Development for Field Sport Athletes
Many coaches believe that acceleration and top speed training are entirely different. Maximum velocity training can be seen as something super complicated and hard, but if we look at it from a different lens, the application of force, and what’s happening from the hip, knee and ankle is not really that much different. I’d even …
Parisi Two-Minute Drill: The Deadlift
The Play: The Deadlift The Purpose: To improve the strength in your extensor (power) muscles, which is proven by science, to improve acceleration and power generation. Pre-Snap Read: Always focus on technique. It is important that throughout this exercise you keep a neutral spine and stable core. To get started, we are going to show …