The ability to increase stride frequency can be accomplished with specific drills that have a high level of focus. One of the best drills to increase stride frequency that we teach young athletes is Quick Steps.
This drill is designed to maximize an athlete’s turnover by taking very short strides. The athlete starts off standing tall with his or her elbows at 90 degrees. The athlete focuses on keeping both feet dorsiflexed (toes up) and acts as if they were running on hot coals, moving their feet and turning over as fast as possible, while taking extremely short strides.
During this exercise, it is critical to keep the body erect the whole time. Be sure to bring the feet no more than 2-4 inches off the ground on each stride. This allows for greater turnover. Short strides equates to faster turnover. Each set of this drill should be performed for about 5-yards and should take 5 seconds. After one set you should take a 5 second rest, walk 5-yards and then perform the drill immediately again for another set. The goal is to perform 3 sets for 30-yards. Repeat those 3 sets again for 6 total sets. This is a great drill to increase turnover.
The ability to recruit and relax muscles quickly is a learned skill that enhances turnover and is a necessity to excel at any athletic event. Have your athlete focus on stride frequency drills and they will be sure to improve their game-speed.
Indeed paying attention to the basics is going to pay dividends in the future for young athletes . Stride frequency(quick steps) is a relevant attribute that can make the difference between a good and bad dribbler. As a proof, Leo Messi, unarguably the best dribbler of all-time, has the natural proclivity to optimise this skill so defenders have limited time to react. That in my opinion, is what sets him head and above shoulders above everyone in the sport. Having more strides per second ultimately means a better ball control. You can check for yourself the rate at which his legs turnover and compare with others No one comes close!