Nothing gets our attention or allows us to comprehend something more quickly, at least in my opinion, than numbers. They allow us to get a clear picture and assess information or a certain situation very easily. If Stefan Curry scored 35 points in a game and the Warriors won 119-98, you know Stefan and his team had a great game. If a high school student scored a 1,500 on the new SAT scoring system, with 1,600 being a perfect score, you know they had to do pretty well.
But not all numbers are great and I’m going to give you a shocking stat…75 percent. That is the number of youth athletes that drop out of sports by the age of 14.
Why is that? There are a lot of reasons why kids drop out of sports but a couple of the biggest are individuals who should be providing the most encouragement…parents and coaches. Whether it is putting too much pressure on the kids or not providing a fun environment for kids to practice and play in, the fact remains that this number is much higher than it should be. So check out the video above as my mentor, and Parisi Team Sports Psychologist, Dr. Robert Gilbert and I explore this topic and what can be done to bring down this “Devastating Statistic.”
Don’t Should On Your Kids
The book Don’t Should On Your Kids, co-authored by Bill Parisi, addresses this topic and is available on Amazon.
Author: Bill Parisi
Parisi Speed School founder Bill Parisi is an internationally recognized fitness business expert who shares his enthusiasm and passion for sports performance enhancement through presentations to business owners, athletes and coaches every year.
More than 650,000 athletes have trained through this system, now available in more than 90 facilities and health clubs in 31 states.
Our mission as the industry leader in performance training is to deliver a positive training experience that improves speed of movement and strength in character regardless of ability or economic status.