Step 1 of 10 10% On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your experience?*Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralSomewhat UnsatisfiedExtremely Unsatisfied1 is extremely unsatisfied and 5 is very satisfied. Please rate your experience with Parisi Speed School:*ExcellentGoodAverageNeeds ImprovementPoorN/AFriendliness of StaffKnowledge of StaffEvaluation/Introductory MeetingSchedule AvailabilityRegistration Process Please rate our communication practices:*ExcellentGoodAverageNeeds ImprovementPoorN/AThe ease of finding information on our website/social mediaThe timeliness of our response to your inquiries by telephone or emailThe quality of responses to your questions or concerns How important were each of the following in choosing PSS for your son or daughter?*ImportantSomewhat ImportantNot ImportantSpeed DevelopmentStrength DevelopmentDeveloping Good Health HabitsConfidence BuildingRelationship Building w/ Peers On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend Parisi Speed School to a friend?*Very LikelyLikelyNeutralSomewhat UnlikelyVery Unlikely1 is extremely unlikely and 5 is very likely. Do you believe the character traits of self-discipline, initiative, focus, responsibility, teamwork, and perseverance developed through sports can help your son or daughter be successful in life?* Yes Not Sure No Do you make use of any of the following resources available to you as a part of Parisi Nation?* Social Media Blogs Newsletter Online Courses / Memberships Other No Please explain:* What do you believe our team does best?* What can we improve on?* Demographic InformationParisi Speed School Location:*Years Training with Parisi: Less than 1 year 1-3 years 4+ years How many sessions does your athlete attend per week? 1-2 3-4 5+ What programs does your athlete attend? Total Conditioning Jump Start Total Performance Elite Sports Performance PEAK Your Name First Last Email Δ