The Play: The Deadlift
The Purpose: To improve the strength in your extensor (power) muscles, which is proven by science, to improve acceleration and power generation.
Pre-Snap Read: Always focus on technique. It is important that throughout this exercise you keep a neutral spine and stable core. To get started, we are going to show you what a stiff back and neutral spine should look and feel like. First, by lying on the ground we show you the natural curve of your spine. Second, with some help from a PVC pipe, we show how to perform the lift with a stiff core and neutral spine.
Performance: For a standard deadlift, position your feet about shoulder width apart and shins close to the bar. Think about rooting your feet into the ground as if your feet were hands, trying to grab the ground with your feet. Drop down and grip the bar while keeping your elbows between your knees. Remember to keep a neutral spine. Rise up by simply thinking about pressing your feet through the ground in a controlled but powerful fashion. Once at the top of the lift be sure to lower the bar down slowly and under control without losing control of your core.
Post Drill Analysis: There are a few variations of the deadlift and while the grips and stances may change, you always want to make sure that you keep a strong, neutral spine and perform your movements in a very controlled and measured fashion.