The Fundamentals of Parisi
The Fundamental to Speed is Acceleration
- Acceleration is defined as the time required to reach maximum speed or maximum velocity in the shortest distance possible. Good acceleration allows an athlete to escape an opponent or get to the ball quicker. Even an athlete with a greater top speed can outrun over certain distances if his/her acceleration technique or mechanics are poor. Here at Parisi we teach our athletes the fundamental of Acceleration to increase an athlete’s speed.
The Power of Strength Training
- The definition of strength is the maximum force you can apply against a load. Lower body strength is the most important area for you to be strong as an athlete. All athletic movements are a result of the power that is generated by your lower body. Without powerful legs, you will not run fast, jump high, change direction quickly, or be able to stop and land efficiently. In addition, upper body strength is also critical for top performance. Specifically good upper body strength assists in your running and jumping ability. The ability to incorporate strong arm action while running will increase lower body speed. Our Performance Coaches will teach your athletes the fundamentals of strength training. The Strength Training exercises will increase your athlete’s ability to push off the ground.
Teaching Athletes to be Agile
- Agility is the ability to move and change direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control. Many sports require you to stop and re-accelerate in another direction. You need the correct technique and lower body strength to do this properly. When changing direction, you must keep a low center of gravity and maintain a wide base of support. Your weight should be on the inside leg in the direction you are about to go. Getting in the correct position will make you more agile and less prone to injury. Our Parisi Performance Coaches teach athletes a strong athletic base while wo
Building Endurance through Conditioning
- Physical Conditioning is a range of multiple components including power, strength, speed, balance, agility, coordination, and endurance. Conditioning is a great way to keep physically fit by keeping you moving and increasing your heart rate. Athletes who have a higher endurance are able to exert more force over an extended period of time without rest.