In the performance center, a large majority of the population we see are athletes. Athlete training programs must contain many components to include all demands of the sports they play. Strength components such as bench press, squat or deadlift must be done with maximal effort in order to complete the lift. However, there are many components of a program such as plyometrics and speed drills that must be done with a certain level of intensity in order to see results.
We use medicine ball drills in our programming frequently. The idea behind medicine ball work is to develop those fast twitch muscle fibers and be ability to produce power. Many sports require sporadic bursts of power, so in order to prepare appropriately, an athlete must train the same way. When doing medicine ball throws, doing them at the same intensity that you would throw a baseball, shoot a lacrosse ball or serve a tennis ball can be beneficial in increasing power and preventing injury.
If med ball work and other plyometric activity is sub maximally, the results you will see will be minimal or non-existent. Too often, when see kids who lack this understanding and treat plyometric work a “break” in their workout. Come to gym, attack each exercise with maximum intensity and you will see the results come game time.