The answer?
Performance Evaluation
Until an athlete knows his or her current level of ability, it is impossible to realistically create goals and monitor progress. The Performance Evaluation is critical to every athlete in our program for four main reasons:
» Assesses the current level of an athlete’s ability.
» Allows for proper grouping of the athlete in our program.
» Allows for the proper exercise prescription to be developed.
» Allows us to record and monitor progress while in our program.
This aspect of our program is what we consider the most important. Without understanding individual strengths and weaknesses of you or your athlete, you cannot be sure that you are working on the right needs in training.
The Performance Evaluation is a mandatory event for every athlete that enters the Parisi Program. During the Evaluation, the athletes will be taught our signature dynamic warmup, be examined during our Running Analysis Procedures, and tested in a battery of physical speed and strength tests.