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St. Marks Football – Team Training Success Story
The Parisi Speed School of Champions Sports Performance proudly trained the St. Marks Football team for the first time this past Summer. Last year the team went 0-7. This year, the team went 7-2, losing in playoffs against Pine Lake Prep. The boys trained from early June to Mid August twice a week and focused …
LKN Flyers – Success Story
The Parisi Speed School of Champions Sports Performance has proudly trained the Lake Norman Flyers for the past 2 winters as part of their off-season training. However, this year they asked for in-season training as well. Coach Eric Sherman has implemented the following schedule for the team: Monday: Off Tuesday: Team Sports Performance Training (6:30-7:30 …
Concepts of Speed Training
Today I received a question from a former D1 Football player who is now the President of a local youth tackle football organization and coaches high school football. However, the question comes from the lens of a parent who wants to give his son all the tools to be successful in sport and realizes speed …
Open House… What is it?
As you hopefully have heard… Wednesday May 18th is our 20th Semi-Annual Open House! This event is special to Champions staff for many reasons. Here are a few of them: An opportunity for our members to come together and re-test their performance evaluation! Current members get to invite friends and receive a free evaluation! Families …
Instability Training
The red tube pictured above is being implemented more frequently in adult and youth training here at Champions. Michol Dalcourt, founder and CEO, of ViPR invented this training tool to recreate sub-maximal loads to imitate “farm boy strength” in performance facilities. His epiphany was if you had 2 athletes, one being a farm boy, and …
Importance of Deadlift for Swimmers Dry Land Training
How to Perform the Traditional Deadlift The deadlift requires optimal posture and mobility through the HINGE Position: Why Deadlift is Crucial for a Swimmer’s Success It was estimated by Cossor and Mason at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games start times comprised 0.8% to 26.1% of the overall race time. This concluded, that the start out of the …
The Importance of “Hip Lock”
What is “Hip Lock” In the image below, the limb applying force to the ground is achieving a hip lock by maintaining its stiffness in the extended position. The hip extension displayed allows for maximal power output and leg stiffness prevents from energy being leaked, therefore promoting more force into the ground. Example of Hip …