Focusing on injury prevention should be a staple in every training program. Injury prevention will only help your athlete, and can improve their speed and strength as well. Follow these five tips to stay injury free and at the top of your game.
1. Complete an Assessment Before Beginning Any New Program
No two athletes are the same. Your skill levels, strengths, weaknesses, etc. are unique, which means that a training program should be designed to meet your specific needs. Whether you are working with a coach or following a program on your own, check out this video for tips on what you should consider before starting a program.
2. Progress At An Appropriate Place
The next tip that can help prevent injury is knowing how to increase your training at an appropriate pace. Everyone wants to see results, and it’s common to get discouraged or angry when you are not seeing drastic improvement right away. It is important to remember that results take time, and if you try to speed up the process you may end up doing more harm than good.
By progressing at an appropriate, you will see improvements that will not only last but will prevent possible injury that can occur with overtraining. Overtraining can lead to becoming uninterested, overtired and injured.
Focus on gradual results and set small, realistic milestones to maintain motivation.
3. Always Warm Up!
It is crucial to start with a warm-up before diving into your training session. A warm-up should get the blood pumping, body temperature up and the heart going. Every Parisi Speed School session begins with the Active Dynamic Warm-Up.
The Active Dynamic Warm-Up sets the tone for the rest of the training session. It consists of both stationary and movement exercises which allow for a dynamic warm up that increases core body temperature and blood flow. Ground-based calisthenics keep you moving during the entire warm-up and prepares you for exercises that will be done throughout the training session.It also allows time for you to assess how you are feeling and identify any possible warning signs of injury.
4. Maintain Proper Technique
Injury is more likely to occur when training with improper technique. Proper technique ensures that you are getting the most out of each exercise and that you are doing it safely. If you are lifting weights during your training session, but do not know the correct technique to use, you are at a very high risk of injury. Improper technique can lead to muscle strains and ineffective training. A quality training session performed with the correct technique is more effective and safe then a training session with more reps and poor technique.
5. Work With A Professional
The final injury prevention tip is the importance of working with a professional. There is an overload of information online on how to get fast quick or build muscle, but not every workout or new fad out there is safe or effective.
It is crucial that whoever you train with is certified and qualified. By working with a professional you ensure that you are getting effective training and being safe.